Tag Archives: Fox

I Will Follow You, Will You Follow Me?

I had intended to watch Fox’s new serial killer drama, “The Following,” but instead watched a basketball game. Eh, that’ll happen.

However, thanks to the beauty of “on demand,” I watched the premiere tonight. I don’t have a lot of thoughts, but I feel like this is going to be a show that I merely think is “all right,” yet still have to watch every episode of. I hate when that happens. I used to like “Nip/Tuck” and watched it every week. Then I kind of got tired of it, but still watched it even though I kind of hated myself for it.

Anyway, I feel like they did too much in the first episode. Like, I appreciate exposition more than the next person, so I have no problem with saving some stuff for episodes two through 10. However, I feel like most folks would get bored; people want stuff to happen RIGHT NOW EVERY WEEK C’MON C’MON C’MON NOW NOW! Not me. Sorry.

I also thought Kevin Bacon was essentially doing an impression of David Caruso in CSI: Miami. Except where Caruso would deliver his lines with more cheese than a fondue pot (“He’s teaching him…how to be…::glasses off::…a serial killer.” YEEEEEAHHHHHH!), Bacon says the big lines very matter-of-factly (“He’s teaching him how to be a serial killer. Hey, where’s that coffee I asked for?”).

So yeah. Maybe I’ll write about the show, maybe I won’t. Regardless, I will watch it, and it will make me mad. Guaranteed.